Our Vision

Siloam Ministry aims to meet the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of people in need while providing an opportunity for them to experience the love of Jesus Christ personally.

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Our Goals
  • ✓ Create a free medical clinic in Harar, Ethiopia
  • ✓ Create satellite clinics in 12 rural schools.
  • ✓ Drill wells to provide clean drinking water for the villages
  • ✓ Build a state-of-the-art medical center
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Help us

Our 501(c)(3) charity currently supports a free medical clinic in Harar, Ethiopia. We are still looking for donations of medical equipment, specifically a CBC machine and blood chemistry supplies.

Get Involved
  • ❤ Sponsor 1 Full-Time Nurse: $200
  • ❤ Sponsor 1 child for: $50
  • ❤ Sponsor rent for the clinic: $300
  • ❤ Sponsor rent for the children: $275
  • ❤ Sponsor one well: $5500
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SILOAM is Nonprofit Organization For Help Children.

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by thethe readable content off a page when looking at its layout point using Lorem Ipsum is that it has.


Ethiopia is a tough place to live. Life expectancy is only 60 years. Getting clean water is nearly impossible. Extreme poverty is very high. Half of all children over the age of 5 must work to support their families.


Ethiopia is a tough place to live. Life expectancy is only 60 years. Getting clean water is nearly impossible. Extreme poverty is very high. Half of all children over the age of 5 must work to support their families.

Our medical team sees over 400 people a month. As well as a complete permanent building we have mobile clinics.


Our medical team sees over 400 people a month. As well as a complete permanent building we have mobile clinics.

This young lady was pregnant, malnourished and homeless. Although she was nearly 8 months along the baby wasn't growing well. We provided her with iron tablets and vitamins. She has already come back for her followup appointment. We wish her a safe delivery. Ethiopia is one of the 6 most dangerous countries to give birth in.


This young lady was pregnant, malnourished and homeless. Although she was nearly 8 months along the baby wasn't growing well. We provided her with iron tablets and vitamins. She has already come back for her followup appointment. We wish her a safe delivery. Ethiopia is one of the 6 most dangerous countries to give birth in.

Our medical clinic was once a vacant building. We had lots of local volunteers show up, eager to help us set up.


Our medical clinic was once a vacant building. We had lots of local volunteers show up, eager to help us set up.

One of 20 babies die in their first year in Ethiopia. That is why we prioritize pediatric care. We have a dedicated pediatric exam room and are raising funds for a pediatric nebulizer. Please consider donating today.


One of 20 babies die in their first year in Ethiopia. That is why we prioritize pediatric care. We have a dedicated pediatric exam room and are raising funds for a pediatric nebulizer. Please consider donating today.

Water is scarce in Ethiopia. We are committed to providing clean water to the communities we serve because water is a cornerstone of health. Our first well is located at a school near the Harar clinic.


Water is scarce in Ethiopia. We are committed to providing clean water to the communities we serve because water is a cornerstone of health. Our first well is located at a school near the Harar clinic.


Latest Caused of SILOAM.

It is a long established fact that reader distracted by the the readable content off page looking at its layout point.

Build drinking water well for Children in schools with out drinking water source

Young children are more vulnerable to the effects of lead because they absorb ingested lead more easily than adults, which can interfere with the development of their nervous systems. In population studies, exposure to lead has been associated with effects on learning capacity, intellectual development and behavior.

Build School Clinic

School clinic is a health care facility within school intended to provide basic health care for students and /or refer them to the specialist/primary health center if required.
School clinic shall comprise at least of the following:Doctor room/clinic should be of adequate size (at least 14 square meters) to accommodate standard furniture, fixtures, medical equipment and supplies with sufficient ventilation and lighting. Washbasin and taps water should be available in the clinic.

Help the community medically

People simple mediacal issues are dying because they don't afford to get even the simplest medical care they need. If clincs are opened that at least do the bare minimum it would have made it easier to help those who are very needy.


Our Great Volunteer || በጎ ፈቃደኞች

Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless !

በጎ ፈቃደኞች የሚከፈሉት ዋጋ ስለሌላቸው ሳይሆን ዋጋ ስለሌላቸው ነው። ዋጋቸው ሊገመት አይችልም።